
The Power of Servant Leadership

Women of Achievement, Called to Serve

One of the foundational tenets of Kappa Theta Epsilon Sorority is servant leadership. Sorority members are encouraged to create and seek out opportunities to impact the communities in which they live.

Though much of our programming focuses on LGBT and women’s rights issues, Kappa Theta members reach out to help wherever they see a need.

The service mandate of Kappa Theta Epsilon is based in the Sorority’s long-term strategic plan, and its vision for developing leaders – in the organization, in business and in life.

Sorority Programming Targets

Leadership Development: Kappa Theta Epsilon members believe that in order to be effective servant leaders within our respective communities, we must be leaders of ourselves. As an LGBT Greek-letter organization, the call to service and visibility is greater than ever before. Our leadership development target addresses the cultivation of skills that enhance both personal and professional leadership.

Holistic Health and Wellness: Without health, one cannot perform well in business or life. Kappa Theta Epsilon programs focus on the creation of comprehensive health of the mind, body and spirit.

Educational Advancement: Education, whether through a structured degree program or self-directed, is the foundation of personal enhancement and social mobility. KΘE encourages LGBT people of all ages and backgrounds to increase their personal influence and opportunities through continuous study.

Economic Empowerment: In order to optimize personal and professional performance, financial concerns must be effectively addressed. Through programming targeting financial freedom, Kappa Theta Epsilon Sorority seeks to equip members and the larger community with tools to decrease consumer debt, increase net worth and alleviate LGBT income disparities.

Social Impact & Policy Awareness: We are global citizens. In a world that is becoming increasingly more connected, awareness of public policy is essential. KΘE provides a forum for debate on current policy issues, with an eye toward strategic action.

The shield of Kappa Theta Epsilon, a professional interest LGBT sorority

KΘE Programming Platforms

Leadership Development
Holistic Health and Wellness
Educational Advancement
Economic Empowerment
Social Impact & Policy Awareness

Every great woman gives back

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about service opportunities
with KΘE?
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