Who are Kappa Theta Epsilon women?

Innovative. Inspired. Empowered.

Kappa Theta Epsilon Sorority members are a unique group of women who come together under the banner of the Sorority for the fulfillment of shared ideals.

Women from all walks of life join KΘE to experience sisterhood, love and acceptance as part of the LGBT community. Though they are all distinct, there is one trait every Sorority member shares:

She is a leader.

Kappa Theta Epsilon women are teachers, advocates and voices for the voiceless. They are speakers, entrepreneurs and authors. They are women of achievement, with hearts of service. They honor the past, maximize the present, and lay the groundwork for the future.

Membership spans from the college youth to more seasoned members who share their knowledge with younger generations. Because Kappa is a professional-interest LGBT Greek-letter organization, women of all ages who aspire to contribute to the Sorority’s vision are welcome.

Kappa Theta Epsilon flag

“Women from all walks of life join KΘE to experience sisterhood, love and acceptance as part of the LGBT community.

They are women of achievement, with hearts of service.”

Interested in being considered for membership? Please submit an Interest Introduction form.

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